Be inspired. Take away far more than ever imagined at our immersive learning experiences that put participants in the middle of a guest-interactive, hands-on & entertaining educational encounter that they will never forget. Say goodbye to conventional learning in conference rooms, and boring speaking engagements & training.
Say hello to inspiring ideas that encourage participants to think, work, and evolve differently in brand new ways.

Through the Looking Glass
Let the Looking Glass beckon you right through it. Or perhaps you'd prefer to follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole. As you step through into a whole other world, get prepared to engage with interactive lessons in leadership & customer experience all while being entertained. Art, entertainment & education combine to make sure participants have the experience of a lifetime in this educational experience.
The Upside Down
Did 2020 leave you feeling in the "upside down"and you never quite returned to "normal"? What is conflict and uncertainty teaching us? Through this portal, enter into a dramatic immersive experience of the "upside down" for a thrilling and thought-provoking journey of learning to make uncertainty part of the plan. Using a storyline that invites participants to be part of the story on a road with tasks, twists and turns & teamwork, this encounter is sure to create a lasting impression with significant educational take-away value.

At the Ranch: Lessons in Trust-based Partnerships
How does "horse whispering" translate to human-to-human communication and leadership based in trust? Through an onsite, immersive, participant-interactive experience, attendees will watch the original horse whisperer himself demonstrate communication, trust and partnership with a never-before-started horse, then invite guests to his private ranch home afterwards for an authentic ranch BBQ and follow up personal conversation about how these methods apply directly to humans and effective & inspired leadership.